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From data to decisions- MVI Group and Eccenca partner up

- 22. 7 月 2022 - | 未分类

From data to decisions – MVI Group and Eccenca partner up

  • MVI Group’s Knowledge Engineering division is committed to enable digital transformation by empowering workflow automation with data optimized decision-making solutions
  • eccenca Corporate Memory provides knowledge infused automation solutions to drive digital transformation 


MVI Group’s Knowledge Engineering division partners up eccenca the leading solution provider for knowledge infused automation solutions. The aim is to help organizations capture relevant knowledge and fuse it with data to help achieve digital transformation. The unique approach takes advantage of semantic technology, linked data and knowledge graphs.

Artificial intelligence is becoming an indispensable factor in the corporate landscape. Data being touted as the “new oil”, the challenge faced by leading industry players in automotive, transportation, production and logistics is how to evolve from a highly siloed and manual, to an integrated and heavily automated decision and process management paradigm.

MVI supports its customers in sustainably optimizing their processes based on existing data and knowledge from the organization. “But to be able to use all this data in the first place, we need Data Cleaning and Knowledge Engineering as the foundation. For this
reason, our Knowledge Engineering division is rapidly growing”, said Christian Hirsch, COO MVI Group.
The partnership with eccenca comes as natural fit and reinforces the direction MVI is heading to. “MVI`s expertise in process automation and the leveraging of eccenca´s technologies enable us to provide valuable, customized services to our customers and business partners”, emphasizes the COO.

The eccenca and MVI applications provide stakeholders with innovative solutions for data-optimized work processes – from a single source.

 About eccenca

eccenca is a leading vendor of knowledge graph enabled hyper automation solutions. eccenca’s product, “eccenca Corporate Memory”, transforms background knowledge about products, process, partner, people, policies, and data into understandable and executable semantic models. These models help scale use and re-use of knowledge in automating decisions across hundreds of individual processes. eccenca Corporate Memory effectively creates the knowledge engine needed to unlock hyper automation capabilities in the enterprise.

eccenca’s Corporate Memory solutions enables data integration based on Knowledge Graphs and semantic models that include expert knowledge to bridge the gap between different data silos and application platforms. The goal of these Knowledge Graphs is to provide stakeholders from various domains within an organization with a shared understanding of the underlying meaning of data and the underlying understanding of context that allows drastically increased levels of decision and process automation.
Enterprise Knowledge Graph Solutions | eccenca

 About MVI Group

As a successful engineering partner, MVI Group has been driving the mobility of the future forward for over 50 years. With our passion for mobility, we combine decades of automotive expertise with the digital world, enabling us to always offer our customers the right solution in the overall product development process. We specialize in the following areas: Automotive Development, IT Solutions, Production & Logistics, Testing & Validation. MVI – We’re Driving Digital Mobility

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