The automotive industry is a multi-layered industry with high demands on logistics. Manufacturers have to produce a large number of different models at one location while efficiently managing the logistical processes. A crucial sub-area deals with the secure supply of the assembly line, that the appropriate add-on parts are available at the right time for installation on the line. To safeguard the complex logistics processes for order picking, MVI PROPLANT has been digitising the processes with BMW Group at the Dingolfing site since 2017. The result of this partnership is the innovative “Digital Sequence Assistant” (DSA). Implemented by MVI PROPLANT, the new DSA picking platform has the central function of safeguarding and digitising the diverse picking processes. The goal? To ensure the smooth supply of two assembly halls, to avoid errors during parts removal and to guarantee deliveries to the assembly line on time and in full. The “Digital Sequence Assistance” enables an individual adjustment of the process level depending on the sequence area. In this way, the various pick processes – from normal removal with deposits to complex processes with bulk sequencing, pre-assembly and carset deposits – are simply mapped in the system in a user-friendly manner. Mobile employee guidance supports workflows by optimising routes and steering employees from one sequence to the next. With a wide range of hardware technologies used, process completions can be scanned, pressed or confirmed. MVI PROPLANT has also implemented the “Route Train Control” system for the subsequent delivery of the picked totes to the line. This intelligent system ensures demand-oriented transport of sequenced add-on parts to the assembly line. This ensures the temporal coordination of the tugger trains for optimum utilisation and best possible delivery. These two versatile and adaptive systems create transparency in the processes, secure the logistical sequences and thus contribute to the outstanding vehicle production at the Dingolfing site. The successful project work and close partnership between MVI PROPLANT and the BMW Group have made it possible to achieve this significant advance in the digitalisation of logistics processes at the Dingolfing site.